Rebecca Black has gone through it all from achieving a YouTube hit with over 1,000,000 views, to receiving death threats about the hit in question.
The low-budget music video, "Friday" has been viewed for only one very obvious reason: for a laugh. Someone probably saw the video, told their friends how good/bad it was, their friends then watch it, and it spreads like wild fire! I'm guessing that word spreads that its a bad/good video, and people have to see it for themselves, and it just became a hit. Not only was the song a hit but Black got hit twice by two death threats.Police have been investigating since April 19th, though the threats occurred some time in March. threats were made sometime in March, after "Friday" became a YouTube hit and went viral as a web phenomenon, Anaheim Police spokesman Rick Martinez said.
"In essence the threats were related to getting the music off the Internet or they were going to kill her," Martinez said. "We can't validate how serious they are, but we do take it seriously," he said"We're going to investigate and determine, number one, the source of the comments and then based on the investigation determine what intent was and where we go from here," he said. "If we believe they were actually intended as threats we will work toward prosecution"