Thursday, February 10, 2011

Is the MTV series 'Skins' : too racy for teens to watch?

who hasn't heard of MTV? every one right? tons of teens and even a handful of adults watch MTV. parents think that the new MTV show, skins, could ruin the good credit MTV has with all of its viewers. i agree. the commercials for skins show underage teens getting themselves into sticky situations involving sex, drinking, drugs, and fights. if MTV is trying to show a 'stereotypical' teens life then they did not do a very good job! fox news says that even the kids skins is aimed to intrigue are offended by the shows lack of authenticity of teens their age. skins has caused alot of controversy between parents and the show and between parents and their kids; kids are fascinated by the show that their parents just downright hate. more than three million people watched as skins aired. skins is even considered child pornography. a teen source from says: "Skins shows a very volatile side of the teen years. There's blatant homosexuality, lots of sex, lots of 'vulgar' language, and lots of drugs." it's your choice: mind rot. or mind health? you choose.

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